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1Yu Yu Hakusho Empty Yu Yu Hakusho Vin Oct 26, 2007 7:41 pm

        Darth Cradyan
Darth Cradyan
Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Lord of the Sith
 Varsta Varsta : 36
Sex Sex : masculin
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Popularitate Popularitate : 3
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 6268
Numarul mesajelor : 2479
Respectarea regulilor : Yu Yu Hakusho Rank11-24afb

Episode one – The new power

After the tournament between the three countries ended, the Makkai was left pretty calm. Yomi had left, and it seemed he and his son had disappeared. Mukuro finally decided she had nothing more to live for and ended her life.
Hiei kept working for the Reikai, making sure no one went against the decision made by the new king of the Makkai, Enki. Kurama went back to his life as Shuuichi Minamino and spent his time with his mother and new family while Yusuke took over Genkai’s estate, after she died, and opened a dojo. Kuwabara often visited him, when he didn’t have too much homework, and trained with him, eventually gaining a power of an almost B class ghost.
A year after Genkai’s death, everything seemed to be calm until a strange power appeared in the Makkai near the castle that used to belong to Raizen.
As soon as they felt it, Hokushin and seven other warriors went to greet the new threat at the entrance to Raizen’s old kingdom.
“Who are you?” Hokushin shouted at the man wearing a long, shaggy cloak that covered his entire body.
The ghost smiled at him and said: “Your new king.”
“The Makkai has only one king,” Hokushin replied. “And that’s Enki.”
“He is a temporary king,” the ghost said walking closer. “I intend to take over this world and I’ll start by rebuilding this old kingdom after that fool Raizen let it rot away.”
The seven warriors could not bare someone mock the name of their departed king and they attacked him. But the mysterious warrior disappeared before they could hit him and reappeared next to each of them, killing them one by one with a single blow. Seeing his companions dead, Hokushin attacked the mysterious ghost but his target disappeared again and pinned him to a wall, holding him by the throat.
“Who are you?” Hokushin asked trying to release the grip on his neck.
The warrior took off the cloak and revealed a tall, muscular body covered in dark red markings that resembled that of a ma-zoku. He had short black hair and dark purple eyes and a wicked smile on his face.
“I am Gaiden, Raizen’s younger brother.”
The emergence of the new power went unnoticed. No one, not in the Reikai nor in the Makkai noticed the coming of a threat as bad as any of the former three powers. And for three months, Gaiden spent his time reorganizing and training his new subjects that grudgingly submitted to him. He did not leave them any choice, it was either swearing loyalty to him or death.
But some of the ghosts closest to Raizen’s old kingdom were starting to be suspicious. The land had started to change and it was almost like it was dying. The plant life was starting to take on a life of its own and it became an almost lethal danger to those with a power under B class.
One day, he called Hokushin to the new throne room that had been redecorated.
“You called me, master?” Hokushin said bowing his head.
“I did. I want you to open a portal to the Ningenkai. It’s time I met the one Raizen planned on leaving his kingdom to.”
“But sir, it is forbidden!” Hokushin protested. “Such methods have been outlawed. The Reikai will come after us! If we…”
“They wouldn’t dare!” Gaiden interrupted him. “Enma himself would have to stop me! Now do it!”
“Y…yes sir.”
A week later, the portal was open and Gaiden stepped into the Ningenkai but in doing so, alerted all three worlds of his presence. However he seemed to have only one thing on his mind and that was to find Yusuke.
Using his ma-zoku blood, he tracked Yusuke down. He was waiting outside a high school, waiting for Keiko and Kuwabara. The grown-up Yusuke had grown taller, as tall as Kuwabara but inside he had not changed and was always spoiling for a fight, though there no one was powerful enough to offer one like the fights he had had in the past.
“Yusuke!” Keiko shouted waving her hand as soon as she saw him.
“Ready to go home?” Yusuke asked looking away.
Keiko pouted and grabbed him by the elbow: “You could show a little more enthusiasm! We are engaged after all.”
“I still can’t believe it,” Kuwabara said smiling. “After defeating so many enemies you still get pushed around by Keiko.”
“I can still kick your ass,” Yusuke replied.
“Any time you bastard!”
The two glared at each other but did not start fighting because Keiko stepped in between them, trying to calm both of them down. By then she had had plenty of practice.
Since Kuwabara had gained a better control over his power and started to understand it better, he was rapidly becoming as powerful as Yusuke had been when he faced Toguro during the Tournament of Dark Martial Arts. His wounds healed at an alarming rate and his swords were more and more powerful every time he used them.
Suddenly the two stopped bickering and looked to the south. They could feel Botan’s spiritual energy getting closer and closer. Sure enough, the girl with blue hair came flying towards them screaming: “Yusuke! Kuwabara!”
“What’s wrong this time?” Yusuke asked passively.
“There’s word of a very powerful ghost that appeared in the Makkai just a few months ago,” she said catching her breath.
“What does that have to do with Urameshi?” Kuwabara asked confused. “He’s no longer a detective for the Reikai.”
“Because he’s already gone past Hiei and I think he’s looking for Yusuke!”
The three that could feel spiritual energies froze, not because of the news but because they could feel three different spiritual powers coming from different directions. Yusuke and Kuwabara recognized two of them to be Hiei and Kurama but the third was unknown to them. But Yusuke still felt like there was something vaguely familiar about it.
When Hiei and Kurama stopped next to them, they both had their weapons out and looked very nervous. Even the usually calm Kurama looked almost frightened by what was coming, which made the others even more anxious.
The ghost walked out from behind a building and stopped at about fifty feet from them. Hiei, Kuwabara, Kurama and Yusuke glared at him while Botan and Keiko backed away with terrified looks on their faces. Botan could sense his power and it made her shake and even though Keiko could not, she was still frightened by the stranger.
“Who are you?” Yusuke finally spoke.
“Your destiny,” Gaiden replied. “But you can call me Gaiden. I’ve come to extend an invitation to three of the most powerful ghost there are.”
“Your energy is somehow familiar,” Yusuke stated. “Why?”
Gaiden smiled and said: “It should be. It’s the same energy you and Raizen share… that of a ma-zoku!”
“What?!” Yusuke asked himself.
Everyone stood still, although prepared for an attack, they wanted to see what Gaiden had to say. But especially, they wanted to know how a carrier of the ma-zoku gene had been overlooked by the Reikai.
“I thought Raizen and I were the last of the ma-zoku,” Yusuke said stepping in front of the others.
“That’s because everyone thought Raizen’s little brother was dead. But it’s plain to see that I am not. So I ask you! Urameshi Yusuke, Jaganshi Hiei, Youko Kurama, are you with me or against me?”
“Enough chit-chat already,” Hiei said and pulled out his sword.
Hiei charged Gaiden and attacked him relentlessly. But no matter how fast he moved, it seemed that his opponent was having no problem in dodging his every attack. Eventually, Gaiden broke his sword using only two fingers and with one punch, threw him through a wall.
Kurama was the next to attack, using his rose whip but even he was not fast enough to even get close to Gaiden and ended up being tied up with his own weapon, with the thorns making deep wounds in his body.
Kuwabara could not take anymore so he pulled out his Rei Ken and charged Gaiden shouting: “I’ll cut you to pieces!”
“A human thinking he can outmatch me? I don’t know if it’s hilarious or pathetic,” Gaiden stated.
He then charged up his energy and it threw Kuwabara back, further than where Yusuke stood.
“Aren’t you going to attack me, nephew?” Gaiden said with a wicked smile on his face.

To be continued…

2Yu Yu Hakusho Empty Re: Yu Yu Hakusho Dum Oct 28, 2007 12:09 am


 Varsta Varsta : 28
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : ---
Popularitate Popularitate : 8
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 6643
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pestisor Nume PetFishy
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 0
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 5335
Respectarea regulilor : Yu Yu Hakusho Rank11-24afb

sweet da moolt rofl aku serios imi plak ai inspiratie bv

3Yu Yu Hakusho Empty Re: Yu Yu Hakusho Lun Oct 29, 2007 12:11 pm

        Darth Cradyan
Darth Cradyan
Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Lord of the Sith
 Varsta Varsta : 36
Sex Sex : masculin
Localizare Localizare : ---
Popularitate Popularitate : 3
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 6268
Numarul mesajelor : 2479
Respectarea regulilor : Yu Yu Hakusho Rank11-24afb

Episode two – An unexpected ally

Watching his friends get beat up by their new enemy only fed Yusuke’s anger and power. Although he had learned to remain calm during stressful situations, he couldn’t control his rage any more and as soon as Kuwabara was down, he charged up his energy and attacked Gaiden.
The fight between the two bearers of the ma-zoku gene was obviously different than the previous ones. The speed was greater and so was the force of the attacks. But Yusuke was still outmatched, not only in strength and speed but in experience. Gaiden’s attacks were more diverse and more complicated. It seemed that even though he only defended himself with only one hand, his greatest weapon against his weaker opponent was that he had centuries of fighting experience.
Even Yusuke foresaw the outcome of the fight but he could not stand by and do nothing after what Gaiden had done to the others. He wanted to make him pay and if he could just punch him at least once he would be satisfied, because it would prove he could not get away with beating up his friends. But such a task seemed impossible because not only was Gaiden using only one arm to defend himself, he was using the same arm to attack. However, there was something strange about his punches because even though they hurt as much as a blow that would send him flying in the air, they only pushed Yusuke back a few inches and made him cough more and more blood.
Eventually, Yusuke couldn’t take the pain any longer and he fell to his knees while Gaiden stood over him smiling.
“You have power, I’ll give you that,” Gaiden stated crouching in front of him. “But you still can’t use it like a true ma-zoku. Even that fool Raizen did a better job.”
“So what?” Yusuke said sitting down.
“I’ve watched you while I fought your friends. Your anger made you stronger, you’re a lot like my big brother in that way. Actually, it’s a trait all ma-zoku share.”
“So what now?” Hiei said standing. “You’re going to kill us?”
“Now why would I want to do that?” Gaiden said smiling.
“We refused your offer,” Kurama stated. “I don’t think an S class demon likes being turned down.”
Gaiden seemed amused by the three that still had enough strength to joke even though they knew he could kill him if they angered him. He stood up and smiled.
“The three of you are no real threat to me so there’s no point in killing you. My offer is still on the table if any of you ever changes his mind.”
Just then, Koenma appeared through a portal a few feet in front of Botan and Keiko. The prince of the Reikai was so shocked to see Gaiden he couldn’t even speak.
“Koenma! It’s good to see you’re still alive,” Gaiden said smiling.
“Gaiden, I thought you were dead,” Koenma said walking closer.
“I should think it was obvious that I am not.”
“Why are you here? What do you want?” Koenma demanded.
“Heh! Business as usual, eh?” Gaiden said giggling. “Very well. I’ve spent the past 1300 years training so I could get my power back after what Raizen did and now I’m even stronger than I used to be and I intend to carry out my plan.”
“I thought you might,” Koenma said smiling confidently.
As soon as he spoke, the Reikai Task Force appeared out of a ball of energy. All nine members were ready to fight him even if it cost them their lives. They had not been a match for Yusuke when he was reborn as ma-zoku and they knew they could not stand against someone who had full control of the ma-zoku power.
Fear could be read on their faces but none of them would run away because it was their job to do whatever they could to protect the Ningenkai against such threats.
“So… you want to fight me as well?” Gaiden said charging up his energy.
The more his demonic energy built up the more vivid the markings were on his body. If nothing else had, the markings made everyone even more afraid of him.
“But I don’t have time to play. I came here to do two things. One was to deliver a message, which I did. And the second was to give my nephew a strong enough incentive to make him train harder than ever before.”
“I’ll train just because I want to kick your ass, if that’s what you meant,” Yusuke said smiling.
“Amusing… but that will hardly be enough. If you’re anything like your father you’ve probably grown attached to a mortal woman by now.”
His words made Keiko gasp and Gaiden knew he was right and that she was what he was looking for. He turned around and started walking towards her but Yusuke jumped to his feet and stepped in front of him, determined to stop him. Gaiden disappeared and hit Yusuke on the back of his neck, knocking him out. After that he grabbed Keiko and ran towards the portal that opened at the end of the street.
But the others were not going to let him take Keiko away without a fight. Kurama and Hiei ran in front of him, blocking his path while Kuwabara stood behind him with both his Reiken ready. They had been through worse fights than that and were not going to give up so easily. Unfortunately for them, Gaiden was in no mood to indulge them so he put Keiko down and knocked the three unconscious just as he had done with Yusuke. While the three tried to stop him, the Task Force was merely blown way by Gaiden’s energy.
Because his powers had grown, Kuwabara’s wounds healed a lot faster than the others, the blow he received did not affect him that much so he got up again and tried to face his opponent one last time. Gaiden frowned because he felt insulted to see a human dare to try and stop him. He made an energy ball with his left hand and was about to launch it towards Kazu when someone came through the portal, grabbed Kuwabara and ran off with him.
Gaiden did not linger anymore and left with Keiko through the portal while the Task Force surrounded the one who grabbed Kuwabara.
“I never expected to see you here, let alone save a human,” Kurama said getting up. “What is your interest in this, Yomi?”
“My son,” Yomi stated bitterly. “He’s allied himself with this brother of Raizen.”
“Heh! How did you ever control your country if you can’t control your own brat,” Hiei said spitting blood.
They left the scene before anyone saw them and went back to Genkai’s old castle to discuss what needed to be done. Koenma and the Task Force agreed that they had to ally themselves with Yusuke and the others because alone, neither team was strong enough to stand against both Gaiden and Shura. Even Yomi offered to help but his motives were more than obvious. He knew Shura would look for an opportunity to challenge him to a fight and he hoped that one of them would spare him having to fight his own child again.
Regardless how ready they were to take on Gaiden they had to admit that only two of them were strong enough to attempt to fight him and of those two only one could hope to at least get close to his level, and he had not yet woken up.
After night fell, Yomi went for a walk in the surrounding woods but was interrupted by Kurama.
“I imagine you have a lot of questions for me,” Yomi said sensing his companion’s presence.
“I know you. You’re only helping us because you want one of us to fight Shura for you. But there’s more to it isn’t there?”
“I still haven’t given up my dream of uniting the Makkai under my tutelage but I cannot do that with that demon around,” Yomi said sitting down on a tree stump. “He apparently knows only chaos and he’s even worse than his brother.”
“And more powerful. Wasn’t that what you were going to say?”
“I wish I could be as calm as you are, Kurama,” Yomi said smiling. “But I’m afraid you’re correct. In his prime, Raizen was stronger than Mukuro and me put together and even though his brother is younger, I fear he may be more dangerous than Raizen ever was. At least the latter was able to control his ma-zoku blood but Gaiden either can’t or he does not want to.”
“You seem to know a lot about the ma-zoku,” Kurama stated.
“Gathering information, remember?”
“So what do you know?” Kurama asked starting to get interested.
“There is much to tell and your friend should hear it as well but I will tell you one thing about the ma-zoku. They are always in the extremes. Either kind or vicious, there has never been a balance between those two sides of a ma-zoku though switching from one to the other is not impossible. Raizen is the perfect proof of that.”
“If that’s true then…” Kurama began
“Then your friend could easily be tempted to join Gaiden, given the right incentive,” Yomi interrupted. “The ma-zoku are a rare breed of demons and they are more dangerous than most. Throughout history they have all been barbaric and merciless. The only reasons your friend is not like that was because Raizen was changed a thousand years ago and because he was born human. You should pray he doesn’t change.”

4Yu Yu Hakusho Empty Re: Yu Yu Hakusho Mier Noi 07, 2007 10:29 am


 Varsta Varsta : 28
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : ---
Popularitate Popularitate : 8
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 6643
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pestisor Nume PetFishy
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 0
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 5335
Respectarea regulilor : Yu Yu Hakusho Rank11-24afb

deki ce e ku mn in titlu?waiting vreau explicatii...orikum tare numa k au ma doare kpu

5Yu Yu Hakusho Empty Re: Yu Yu Hakusho Mar Apr 29, 2008 9:13 am


 Varsta Varsta : 29
Sex Sex : masculin
Localizare Localizare : Pitesti
Popularitate Popularitate : 0
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 5992
Numarul mesajelor : 388
Respectarea regulilor : Yu Yu Hakusho Rank11-6-24b75

Si pe mine m-a durut capu'.Se pare ca este primul topic in engleza la fan fiction.Felicitari si pentru munca depusa si astept sa mai scri in continuare.

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