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1Ultima carte citita Empty Ultima carte citita Lun Iun 14, 2010 5:29 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 28
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : bucuresti
Popularitate Popularitate : 2
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 6323
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasaroi frustrat Nume PetYnuyasha
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 0
Numarul mesajelor : 295
Respectarea regulilor : Ultima carte citita Rank11-6-24b75

Spune aici ultima carte citita de tine si incearca sa ne-o descrii.
Poate ne da cineva vreao nu stam chiar tot timpul cu ochii in tv sau in pc hipnotised

2Ultima carte citita Empty Re: Ultima carte citita Lun Iun 14, 2010 6:30 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 36
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Bucuresti
Popularitate Popularitate : 40
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 9182
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasaroi frustrat Nume PetSmotocel
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 6239
Respectarea regulilor : Ultima carte citita Rank11-24afb

Iata cartile citite de mine lately, alternandu-le

CLAVELL, James, Shogun

DORE, Ron Philip, City Life in Japan: A Study of a Tokyo War, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1958

HEARN, Lafcadio, Japan: An attempt of interpretation, Macmillan, New York, 1919

GOLDEN, Arthur, Memoriile unei geishe, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti, 2006

ITO, Takatoshi, The Japanese Economy, Cambridge, Mass. u.a. MIT Press, 1992

IWASAKI, Mineko, Adevarata viata de geisha, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti, 2007

SMITH, Thomas C., The Family as an Economic Unit, In: OKIMOTO, Daniel I., and ROHLEN, Thomas P., Inside the Japanese System: Readings on Contemporary Society and Political Economy, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 1988

TAKAMIYA Susumu, Peter Drucker and Japanese Management, In: WOOD, John C. and WOOD, Michael C., Peter F. Drucker: Critical Evaluations in Business and Management, Routledge, Milton Park, 2005

TETSURO, Watsuji , The Family as an Ethical System, In: OKIMOTO, Daniel I., and ROHLEN, Thomas P., Inside the Japanese System: Readings on Contemporary Society and Political Economy, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 1988

Toate sunt despre Japonia big smile Si sunt legate de traditia ei, si de cum elemente traditionale si simboluri traditionale au fost schimbate/adaptate pentru a ajuta procesul de modernizare al Japoniei, inca de inainte de Meiji Period.

PS: Sunt copiate de la ce am trecut la bibliografie pana acum la tema de licenta. Momentan nu gasesc Shogun-ul ca sa trec editura, loc, an Http://

3Ultima carte citita Empty Re: Ultima carte citita Dum Iun 20, 2010 10:39 am

 Varsta Varsta : 33
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Focsani
Popularitate Popularitate : 8
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 8385
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasarica pitzipoanca Nume PetPoșețica
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 1437
Respectarea regulilor : Ultima carte citita Rank11-24afb

Ultima carte citita a fost Claire Castillon - Dedesubt e infernul...honestly, am uitat despre ce era vorba. Deci nu m-a impresionat in vreun fel.

p.s. topicul asta nu se aseamana izbitor de mult cu topicul Ce citesti?!/Molilu

4Ultima carte citita Empty Re: Ultima carte citita Lun Iun 28, 2010 6:56 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 36
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Bucuresti
Popularitate Popularitate : 40
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 9182
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasaroi frustrat Nume PetSmotocel
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 6239
Respectarea regulilor : Ultima carte citita Rank11-24afb

Ba da, dar in cazul meu mi-e mai usor sa spun aici si pareri dupa ce am terminat cartile...

Well tocmai am terminat de citit o trilogie de LJ Smith, cititnd 1 carte/zi... Seria este Forbidden Game si e compusa din The Hunter, The Chase si The Kill.


The Hunter

Jenny este acum adolescenta si pregateste o petrecere de ziua prietenului ei, Tom, la care mai invita si inca niste prieteni apropiati. A lasat totul pe ultimul minut, so se duce sa faca niste cumparaturi pentru petrecere intr-un cartier nu prea prietenos, pentru a nu se intalni cu invitatii...

In cartierul respectiv este urmarita de doi baieti, dar scapa de ei intrand intr-un magazin numit "More Games", a carui usa pare sa apara din senin intr-un desen de pe un perete. Inauntru, vanzatorul, este Julian. O convinde sa cumpere un joc, jocul in jurul caruia este construit primul volum:

"Danger. Seduction. Fear." Jenny turned back to face him, staring. There was something almost mesmerizing about his voice-it was full of elemental music, like water running over rock. "Secrets revealed. Desires unveiled." He smiled at her and pronounced the last word distinctly: "Temptation."

"What are you talking about?" she said, tensed to hit him or run if he took one step toward her.

He didn't. His eyes were as innocently blue as Nordic fjords. "The Game, of course. That's what you want, isn't it? Something . . . very special."

Something very special.

Exactly what she'd thought herself.

"I think," she said slowly, "that I'd better-"

"We do have something like that in stock," he said.

Jocul este intr-o cutie alba, care are ceva ce ii atrage instant pe Jenny si pe prietenii ei cand se decid sa o deschida.


Inainte sa inceapa jocul, au de spus un juramant, guarded by the rune Uruz, care face legatura intre lumi. Cand incep jocul, ajung in casa de hartie, doar ca totul a devenit real. The Shadow Man se dovedeste a fi Julian, care isi declara dragostea pentru Jenny, ii spune ca a urmarit-o mereu de cand era mica (Yes, yes, he's the youngest in the closet.) si ii spune lui Jenny ca toti ceilalti sunt imprastiati prin casa, iar ea trebuie sa ii gaseasca, sa infrunte cu ei fiecare cosmar in parte, si sa ajunga sus pana la 6 si 11 minute cand rasare soarele, jocul incepand pe bune la ora 10.

Cosmarurile deveneau realitate si nu erau doar iluzii in lumea lui Julian. In plus, intrand mai multe persoane intr-un cosmar, el putea sa pick stuff from their minds si sa adauge in cosmarul respectiv.

"The forest where everything happened-where the Grimm brothers got all their fairy tales. You know, snow white. Hansel and Gretel. Little Red Riding-Hood and the-"

Audrey stopped in midsentence. In front of her, Dee had stopped, too. Jenny's knees locked.

Just ahead of them in the tangled blackness, yellow eyes glowed. Jenny even imagined she could see moonlight gleaming off sharp teeth.

All three girls stood very still. Seconds passed and the yellow eyes remained motionless. Then they seemed to shift to a different angle so that one went out. Both flashed toward the girls again, then both went out. Jenny heard underbrush crunching. The sound got fainter. It faded into a profound silence in which Jenny could hear her heart beating strong and very fast in her chest.

Jenny let out her breath.

Dee's shoulders heaved slightly. She reached down and picked up a long stick almost as thick as her own slim wrist. She settled it in her hand, waggling it, testing her grip. It made a good weapon.

"-and the Wolf," said Audrey, her voice suspiciously calm. She tucked stray wisps of hair into her French twist, her lips tight. The three of them looked at one another, then started walking again. What else was there to do?

"It was strange, that wolf coming just when you were talking about one," Dee said.

Pana la urma ajung toti sus, dar he tricks them, desi nu a incalcat regulile jocului.


Aproape toti se intorc in lumea "normala".

The Chase

Julian scapa, jocul fiind furat de cei doi care o urmarisera pe Jenny la inceputul primei carti. Incepe iar sa o urmareasca pe Jenny si ii propune un nou joc: daca e sa castige, o elibereaza de juramant (cel cu inelul), daca nu, el trebuie sa ramana cu el. Ea accepta si el ii spune abia dupa ca de fapt trebuie sa participe la joc toti cei care au jucat primul joc...

Noul joc e Lambs & Monsters (Cops & Robbers, varianta mai scary). Ideea e ca ii rapeste prietenii rand pe rand si ea trebuie sa ii gaseasca "baza" pana cand ii prinde pe toti (daca reuseste, he gets to keep them all). Ii ofera mereu cate un indiciu inainte de a rapi pe cineva, dar mereu indiciul este prea complicat pentru a isi da seama la timp, sau prea usor dar sosit prea tarziu... The Lurker & The Creeper participa mai activ la acest joc, ei fiind cei care se ocupa de rapiri.

Intr-un final Jenny gaseste baza, dar pe drumul de iesire, Zach (varul ei) se impiedica si Tom se intoarce dupa el.

Portalul se inchide si cei doi raman blocati in taramul lui Julian.

Julian ii propune un nou joc pentru a isi recupera prietenii: a treasure hunt.

The Kill

Cei ramasi se duc la casa bunicului lui Jenny, se joaca si ei cu runele si deschid un portal. Ajung in lumea lui Julian, de data aceasta un carnaval (fun fair). Trebuie sa gaseasca 3 monede prin parc pentru a putea trece podul catre Insula Comorilor, unde erau prizonieri Zach si Tom.

It's all more bloody ca inainte, cu scene de tortura and shit like that.

Pana la urma ajung pe Insula Comorilor, dar aici apar si celelalte Umbre.

In final, cineva moare. Va las sa aflati singuri daca sunteti interesati flirty


A fost o serie de carti usor de citit, destul de scurta though (120-130 pagini A4 / carte... format electronic Ultima carte citita 752774 ).

A ajuns sa ma fascineze Julian si il preferam lui Tom >.> Unlike Jenny... Dar ma rog, scenele dintre cei doi au fost bine scrise, imi placea ideea ca el trebuie sa o atraga pe ea pentru ca ea sa il lase sa o atinga, sa o sarute. Am mai zis asta de cateva ori (nu in post): el era precum sarpele si ea era Eva, he had to seduce her into sin.

She'd thought she remembered how it was with Julian, how it felt to be kissed by him. Her memories had lied. Or maybe this kind of thing was too strong for memory to be anything but a shadow of it. In one instant she was transported back to the paper house, back to the shock she'd felt at his first touch. When Tom held her-back in the old days, when Tom still loved her-his arms had made her feel safe. Comforted.

Julian didn't make her feel safe at all. She was trembling instantly. Falling. Soaring. The electricity he carried around with him flooding into her, tingling in every nerve ending. Sweet shocks that sent her mind reeling.

Oh, God, I can't-it's wrong. It's wrong, he's evil. I can't feel anything for him. I told Tom I didn't feel anything. . . .

Her body didn't listen to her.

He wants to kill me. . . .

But he was kissing her as softly as twilight, tiny sweet kisses and long ones that turned wild. As if they were lovers reunited, instead of hunter and prey.

And Jenny was kissing him back. Her arms were around his neck. He changed the pressure of his lips on hers and light flashed through her. She opened her eyes in shock. Http://

5Ultima carte citita Empty Re: Ultima carte citita Mier Iul 07, 2010 12:27 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 28
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : bucuresti
Popularitate Popularitate : 2
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 6323
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasaroi frustrat Nume PetYnuyasha
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 0
Numarul mesajelor : 295
Respectarea regulilor : Ultima carte citita Rank11-6-24b75

Molly,nu am spus "Ce citesti?",ci "Ce carte ai citit ultima oara?"...Care este asemanarea? no words

6Ultima carte citita Empty Re: Ultima carte citita Mier Iul 07, 2010 3:05 pm

 Varsta Varsta : 33
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Focsani
Popularitate Popularitate : 8
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 8385
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasarica pitzipoanca Nume PetPoșețica
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 1437
Respectarea regulilor : Ultima carte citita Rank11-24afb

daca ai fi u copil destept si ai citi postarile din topicul Ce citesti? ai observa ca se discuta FIX aceleasi lucruri. Spre deosebire de tine, eu am grija sa citesc ce vrea topicul ala, nu sa postez aiurea sau sa deschid topicuri de dragul de a o face. Asa ca nu o mai face pe desteapta, evidentiind doar o diferenta de nuanta a titlurilor, nu una de continut a topicurilor.!/Molilu

7Ultima carte citita Empty Re: Ultima carte citita Dum Apr 03, 2011 3:12 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 29
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Pe MaRtE
Popularitate Popularitate : 0
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 5133
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pestisor Nume PetLolly
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 0
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 125
Respectarea regulilor : Ultima carte citita Rank11-24afb

Eu ultima oara am citit Orasul Oaselor de Cassandra Clare . Cartea este absolut exceptionala . Si singurul lucru spus dupa ce am citit-o a fos : WOW ! Unde este volumul 2 ? Dar din pacate mai trebuie sa astept sa apara fake

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