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1Creepy stories Empty Creepy stories Dum Oct 21, 2007 5:48 pm

 Varsta Varsta : 30
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Popularitate Popularitate : 8
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 7555
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Numarul mesajelor : 4420
Respectarea regulilor : Creepy stories Rank11-24afb

cele mai scary vedem cu c va c ne speriati :d_evil: asteptari mari d la tine aici >:/ ..probabil se va alege si cea mai reusita creepy vedem...ast povestile voastre...!/profile.php?id=100001452848919&v=info

2Creepy stories Empty Re: Creepy stories Vin Oct 26, 2007 6:26 pm

        Darth Cradyan
Darth Cradyan
Dark Lord of the Sith
Dark Lord of the Sith
 Varsta Varsta : 36
Sex Sex : masculin
Localizare Localizare : ---
Popularitate Popularitate : 3
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 6268
Numarul mesajelor : 2479
Respectarea regulilor : Creepy stories Rank11-24afb

Be careful what you wish for

On an old country road, a group of teenagers drive through a hellish storm at a high speed. They drive for an hour until they reach a house that although looked old, had been well taken care of. The group composed of three young men and two young ladies, all get out of the car in a hurry and rush to the porch of the house to get out of the heavy rain. Bun in the few seconds that took for them to get from the car to the front door was enough for their clothes to be half soaked.
“I can’t believe we’re finally here,” one of the girls said. She was Anna, she had short red hair, to her chin and green eyes.
“Can you believe that rain? I just hope the groceries aren’t soaked,” another one stated. She was Carmen, she had long blonde hair and blue eyes.
“Let’s just get inside,” one of the young men said. He was Karl; he had short brown hair and brown eyes.
They went inside, changed clothes in their rooms, then went back downstairs. The two girls sat on the sofa in the living room while the guys started making a fire. As soon as it was lit, they all curled up in front of it, trying to get warm.
“Now I know why this place was so cheap. It’s a killer to get here,” one of the young men stated. He was Jim, he had short dark hair and blue eyes.
“Hey! You know what they say about sitting in front of a fire on rainy days?” one of the guys asked. He was Alex, he had short blonde hair and blue eyes.
“Enlighten us,” Karl said smiling.
“Well, they say that when a group of five people sit in front a fire on a rainy day, one of them can make a wish that will come true for the other four,” Alex explained.
“Where did you hear that?” Carmen inquired.
“It’s an old wives’ tale,” Alex answered.
“Well I don’t believe it,” Karl said stretching his arms.
“That’s good!” Ales exclaimed. “Because only the one who doesn’t believe in the legend can make the wish but it must be said out loud.”
They all turned towards Karl, wondering what his reaction would be. He sat quietly, with an amused smile on his face, looking at them. Eventually he said: “Alright… I wish… that one of your hopes comes true tonight.”
After that they started talking about school and the reason they had all gone there, to escape from the clamor of their lives. They were all very busy with their studies and since they had already been friends the better part of their college lives, they shared the same pains, worries and some dreams.
They spent a few hours talking then went upstairs to get some rest. They even put out the fire since they had to light it in the basement to warm up the entire house. But as soon as they all closed the doors to their room, the fire light up again, lighting the entire room as if it were daytime. On the wall opposite to the fireplace, no one noticed there was an old painting of a man in a suit sitting on a chair on which the light from the fire danced.
An hour later, a storm broke out, it was violent and the thunder sounded as if it were right outside the house. The first to wake up was Carmen who went downstairs to the kitchen. She was hungry and it was decided that she would cook the first meal.
“I just hope I do it right,” she said to herself taking the vegetables out of the grocery bags.
Lighting struck again, so loud and the flash lit up the entire house. That flash woke Jim up. He was shivering and felt like he was in an refrigerator. Although he had a thick blanket on him, he was still cold. He stood up, put a robe on and went downstairs to see what was wrong with the thermos. He went passed the kitchen and headed straight for the basement. Once there he saw that the fire had gone out in the so he lit it again.
“I just hope you don’t go out again,” he said keeping his hands close to the fire to warm them.
The temperature immediately went up in the entire house. Every room was as hot as a sauna. The intense heat woke Anna up. Her pajamas were drenched in her sweat and so were the bed covers. She got up, took a robe and a towel from her suitcase and went to the bathroom. After the bath tub was half-full of water, she took off her clothes and got in and started to wash.
“I hope this smell will wash out. I want the boys to like me tomorrow,” she said to herself.
Meanwhile, Alex was the only one who was not asleep. He had plugged in his laptop and was searching the internet for something. He looked and the violent way he was typing indicated that he had not found what he was looking for. Suddenly his face lit up but a second later the plug he was using short-circuited and his laptop shut down. He cursed then stood up and walked over to the plug and started to fiddle with it.
“I just hope I can fix it in time,” he said unplugging his laptop.
A few minutes later a loud peal of thunder woke Karl up. After taking a few minutes to calm down he got up and went to the bathroom, to wash his face. But as he walked towards it he saw that water was flowing from inside the room. He rushed inside and was shocked to see Anna with her head submerged in the overflowing bathtub. He ran to her and pulled her out but it was already too late, she had drowned.
Karl ran out of the room and went to get Alex but when he opened the door he was blinded by a large amount of smoke. The room smelled like something had been burnt. Karl opened the window and when the smoke cleared out he saw a corpse on the floor. The skin was black and smoke was still coming out of it. He slowly walked over to it and when he turned it over and saw the eyeglasses, he realized it was Alex.
The shock of seeing two of his friends was too much to handle. He ran downstairs to call the police but the phone in the living room was not working. He then went to the kitchen but the moment he entered he fell to his knees and threw up. He looked up after calming down and looked at Carmen’s dead body. She had cut off her left fore arm, a few slices at a time and when the bleeding had been too much she must have collapsed with the electric knife still in her right hand because it had but through her right thy as well.
Because of the intense heat, there was already a horrible smell in the kitchen. Karl slowly walked down to the basement only to find more smoke and the smell of burnt flesh again. When he got to the hearth he found another body that had burnt alive. The only thing left was the gold necklace around the neck, which indicated it was Jim.
He left the basement walking even slower than before. He kept looking in front of him but he wasn’t really looking at anything. Seeing all of his friends dead had drained him.
Karl stopped in the living room and sat down on an armchair in front of the painting. Lightning stuck again, louder than ever and he started hearing the voice of his friends and what their hopes were. The sound was deafening and it was like it was coming from inside his head. Something urged him to stand up and walk over to the fire place. He reached with his right arm for something on top of it and found an old shotgun and a small box of ammunition.
Weapon in hand he walked back to the sofa and placed it in between his legs with it pointing at his head. He didn’t have socks on so he could put his toe next to the trigger. He placed the tip of the barrel against his head and said: “Someone else should have made the wish.” Then pulled the trigger and blew his head off, splashing blood and pieces of his brain on the painting behind him. But the expression the man in the painting had on had changed, he was smiling.

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