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26Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Lun Dec 28, 2009 5:45 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 26
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Barlad
Popularitate Popularitate : 0
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 5856
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasarica pitzipoanca Nume Pet Gessica
PutereP 1
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 132
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

Oh...I`m bored!
How are you,all?

27Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Vin Iul 02, 2010 6:11 am


 Varsta Varsta : 29
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Where the wild girlz smoke
Popularitate Popularitate : 1
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 6973
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasarica ciufulita Nume PetSens
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 464
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank5-4-24b84

I'm aa...

my butt hurts

28Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Vin Iul 02, 2010 12:53 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 33
Sex Sex : masculin
Localizare Localizare : Outside the
Popularitate Popularitate : 7
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 7169
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pestisor Nume PetKanye West
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 0
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 628
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

I see dead campers. fake

29Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Vin Iul 02, 2010 8:10 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 30
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Galati
Popularitate Popularitate : 0
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 5760
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pestisor Nume PetRumpelstiltskin
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 0
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 223
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank5-4-24b84

I see well or katy93 wrote under the signature "Hello Tupu!"??Anyway...Hello to everyone and my legs are numb:|.!/profile.php?id=100001056861241

30Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Sam Iul 03, 2010 10:11 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 33
Sex Sex : masculin
Localizare Localizare : Outside the
Popularitate Popularitate : 7
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 7169
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pestisor Nume PetKanye West
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 0
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 628
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

@Tupu: Numele se schimba în funcție de user, cred că este(era) un topic în care e explicată minunăția.

Edit by Ruki: Take it easy big boy. I know that trolling is fun but that's starting to be way to much. Another spam message and you'll get oficially warned.

31Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Dum Iul 04, 2010 1:09 am


 Varsta Varsta : 33
Sex Sex : masculin
Localizare Localizare : Outside the
Popularitate Popularitate : 7
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 7169
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pestisor Nume PetKanye West
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 0
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 628
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

Ruki a scris:
Edit by Ruki: Take it easy big boy. I know that trolling is fun but that's starting to be way to much. Another spam message and you'll get oficially warned.

Sună important, fă-o!
(Te provoc la o poke-luptă lol)

32Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Dum Iul 04, 2010 2:48 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 26
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Barlad
Popularitate Popularitate : 0
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 5856
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasarica pitzipoanca Nume Pet Gessica
PutereP 1
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 132
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

I have a cool signature ^^ It`s good to know.
Well,yesterday was my B-day.I`m 12 years old ^^
Sorry for the "^^" but I`m just so happpyy Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 655672

33Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Dum Iul 04, 2010 3:34 pm

 Varsta Varsta : 33
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Focsani
Popularitate Popularitate : 8
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 8385
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasarica pitzipoanca Nume PetPoșețica
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 1437
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

Happy b-day, Katy...dear, 12 years old...i'm almost 19...i feel...old...!/Molilu

34Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Mier Iul 14, 2010 9:46 am


 Varsta Varsta : 30
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Galati
Popularitate Popularitate : 0
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 5760
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pestisor Nume PetRumpelstiltskin
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 0
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 223
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank5-4-24b84

I can not wait to go to the mountain. From August 29 until September 6.
Fresh air...oh!...Lovely love u !!/profile.php?id=100001056861241

35Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Mier Iul 14, 2010 8:44 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 26
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Barlad
Popularitate Popularitate : 0
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 5856
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasarica pitzipoanca Nume Pet Gessica
PutereP 1
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 132
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

Ur so lucky,Tupu.I`d like to go with you too ^^

36Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Joi Iul 15, 2010 7:47 am


 Varsta Varsta : 30
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Galati
Popularitate Popularitate : 0
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 5760
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pestisor Nume PetRumpelstiltskin
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 0
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 223
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank5-4-24b84

Belive me!If I could take people with me,I take a lot.
A...and I forgot to say that is free big smile .

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Tupu in Joi Iul 15, 2010 10:06 am, editata de 1 ori!/profile.php?id=100001056861241

37Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Joi Iul 15, 2010 10:02 am

 Varsta Varsta : 30
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Everywhere
Popularitate Popularitate : 8
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 7555
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Testoasa Nume PetTroll
PutereP 5
InteligentaI 5
ViataV 5
Numarul mesajelor : 4420
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

English -.-' Do you really speak it?!/profile.php?id=100001452848919&v=info

38Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Joi Iul 15, 2010 11:00 am


 Varsta Varsta : 28
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : bucuresti
Popularitate Popularitate : 2
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 6323
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasaroi frustrat Nume PetYnuyasha
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 0
Numarul mesajelor : 295
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-6-24b75

I get bored and i eat ice cream.

39Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Joi Iul 15, 2010 12:11 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 26
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Barlad
Popularitate Popularitate : 0
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 5856
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pasarica pitzipoanca Nume Pet Gessica
PutereP 1
InteligentaI 2
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 132
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

I ate an ice cream too ^^
It was refreshing Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 628387

40Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Mier Iul 21, 2010 8:00 pm

 Varsta Varsta : 30
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Everywhere
Popularitate Popularitate : 8
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 7555
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Testoasa Nume PetTroll
PutereP 5
InteligentaI 5
ViataV 5
Numarul mesajelor : 4420
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

Seriously, guys. Stop posting in this thread if you can't speak English properly. It's kinda annoying, just so you know.!/profile.php?id=100001452848919&v=info

41Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Mier Iul 21, 2010 9:39 pm


 Varsta Varsta : 33
Sex Sex : masculin
Localizare Localizare : Outside the
Popularitate Popularitate : 7
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 7169
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Pestisor Nume PetKanye West
PutereP 0
InteligentaI 0
ViataV 1
Numarul mesajelor : 628
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

Shut up.

42Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Empty Re: Here We Talk Only In English! Mier Iul 21, 2010 10:47 pm

 Varsta Varsta : 30
Sex Sex : feminin
Localizare Localizare : Everywhere
Popularitate Popularitate : 8
Puncte ZooZ Puncte ZooZ : 7555
Animalutul meu Animalutul meu : Testoasa Nume PetTroll
PutereP 5
InteligentaI 5
ViataV 5
Numarul mesajelor : 4420
Respectarea regulilor : Here We Talk Only In English! - Pagina 2 Rank11-24afb

Slow poke.!/profile.php?id=100001452848919&v=info

        Continut sponsorizat


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